Team B 350/BHS
July 19, 2014
Becky Day
There are many factors that influence a person’s decision to enter any profession. Human service careers are specifically unique in that financial gain is not the primary motivation (Woodside & McClam, 2011). Individuals who choose this career can have a desire to help others and are motivated by the gratification received when he or she successfully assists the client in improving the client’s life. It is important for this fulfillment not to center around the success or praises received from choosing a career in the helping field. When a human service professional is motivated by the need for praise, it is easy to lose site of the client’s need when the professional is not receiving recognition or approval. The human service worker may begin to compromise ethical codes and the client’s course of treatment to gain this missing feeling of self-worth. A helping professional must pay close attention to what motivated him or her to pursue a career in the human service field to avoid negatively impacting the lives of many seeking help. Professionals that choose to enter the helping field are normally mature, sympathetic and, established individuals who help others through interesting conditions. They feel joy when they have the opportunity to help someone. The tasks in the helping professions are huge in their eyes, but in numerous cases, the incentives are important. These professionals provide both direct and indirect services to people in need. Professionals that choose this career also listen, give advice and can be caring of others. HHfdsfdsfdJDCKmmkdskldkkddmdfjjfdfdjSocial workers are devoted to helping people function the best they can in their environment.
Several human service professionals are motivated to choose a helping profession because they: 1) desire to help others, 2) have a desire of self-exploration, 3) want to exert some sort of control, and 4)
References: Woodside, M., & McClam, T. (2011). An introduction to human services (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database .