Professor Monson
English 1101
How to Make the World a Better Place There are many actions people take to try to make the world a better place. Wealthy people may make donations to a charity or build different institutions such as a hospital or park. A lot of people just recycle and plant trees to make the world a better place. Folks may even volunteer to clean up a certain environment, such as a school, public playground or just around the neighborhood. If I could make the world a better place, it would be by trying to give back to the community by helping the poor people or families. I would collect basic items for them that all humans need. I would also volunteer in couple of places and lastly raise money to donate. One way I would help the poor is by, going around my neighborhood and collecting anything old such as books, clothes, shoes, or toys that the neighbors might not want any more or planned to throw away. This way the poor are are getting basic needs that they can’t provide themselves. Also I would try to pick up any canned goods that the people are willing to give. My friends and family would help me to collect these items as well. I would set up boxes in the community club house so people can drop of their old jackets and things. There would be signs around the neighborhood too saying to please donate old clothes or shoes to the club house, so people are aware and more involved in helping the poor. Another way I could help the needy and hungry families is by volunteering in the soup kitchen or volunteering in places where they have food drives and pass out canned goods. By volunteering I’m being like an extra hand, the more we are involved the better it is. Not only would I be serving in the kitchen, I would also cook meals for the poor and bring it down to the soup kitchen. The food I would prepare would be cost friendly but also nutritious such as baked beans, corn, mashed potato, and vegetable soup.