UNESCO’s Interest in Adult Education * UNESCO sponsored International Conference on Adult Education held in Paris in 1985. * Representatives of Ministry of Education and other institutions and organizations from throughout the Asia-Pacific region met to discuss and formulate strategies for advancing the cause of adult education * 1996-UNESCO's Asia and Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL), in collaboration with Thailand's Department of Non-Formal Education in the Ministry of Education, convened the Asia and Pacific Regional Consultation on Adult Education * Served as a forum * Representatives of Member States could share information, learn of recent progress, and discuss new directions and trends in the field * The document summarizes recent literature and experience of APPEAL member countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the intervening ten years * This monograph is part of UNESCO's commitment to encourage sharing of educational program information across the region.
Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region * The primary focus of this monograph is in three geographical areas; * South Asia * East Asia and the Pacific * South-East Asia
Literacy in the Region * The central purpose of many adult education programs is literacy training. * Many literacy programs incorporate much broader skills than learning to read and write. * Program planners in the Asia-Pacific region have found that they are more effective at imparting literacy skills if it was combined with the teaching of relevant life skills.
What is it? * Adult education-term used to describe a wide range of educational services provided to youth and adults who either never received formal basic education or received too little to establish literacy and numeracy. * Encompasses programs to provide youth and adults with life