Baba Naudh Singh Ji
Aao Sarey Guru Di Bakshi Hoe, Fateh Di Sanj Payae Ji,
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Question 1:
Bidhiaa sodhhai thath lehai, raam naam live laae II
Considering his knowledge, he finds the essence of reality, and lovingly focuses his attention on the Name of the Lord.
Manmukh bidhiaa brikdaa, bikh khattae bikh khaae II
The self-willed manmukh sells his knowledge; he earns poison, and eats poison.
(Not completed)
Question 2:
In the modern world, education is known as the most significant source for gaining knowledge. However, Baba Naudh Singh was revered as being considerably wise, despite the fact that he was not formally educated. He explained his perspective on life, through many of his own experiences. Baba Naudh Singh conveyed the idea that; ‘Our wisdom arises from within, whereas the wisdom of people of the west arises from the outside. A pure and healthy mind seeks cleanliness outside. Anyone who daily purifies his heart, wishes also to keep himself and his surroundings clean.’ Baba Naudh Singh pointed out that out Indian system of education consisted in arousing meditation. In Guru’s words there is a query; ‘with the heart lying impure, can the body be purified?’
Kabeer, man jaanae sabh baat, jaanat hee ougun karae II
Kabeer, the mortal knows everything, and knowing, he still makes mistakes.
Hei Kabeer! Jo manukh rhoz dharam ate asthaan te ja ke bhajn bhagtee karan pecho sara din tagee-fareb de kirat-kamaaee karda hai, oho iss galo navakif nahee ke eih maaree gal hai, oos da man sabh kuj jaarndaa hai, par oho jaarndaa hoeaa bhee (tagee de kamayee vala) paap karee jaandaa hai II
Question 3:
Baba Naudh Singh differentiated between being educated and literate, in the context of spiritual matters. Gurbani itself says that one becomes educated by listening to His Naam. Baba Naudh Singh wasn’t literate in the academic sense of the world, however he was literate in the