Hemoglobin which is also known as HbG or Hb is composed of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains. They both transport a heme molecule. HbG is the primary constituent of red blood cell cytoplasm and transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and then returns carbon dioxide to the lungs. HbG can be used to diagnose or monitor a number of conditions. Anemia is one of those conditions. List required reagents:
Drabkins Solution is the reagent that is required for HgB. Drabkins reagent composed of potassium cyanide and potassium ferricyanide. The reagent is used to lyse red cells and convert hemoglobin to cyanmethemoglobin in hemoglobinometry.
2. Equipment needed when doing the HbG procedure is a spectrophotometer which is used to measure the hemoglobin. When using the spectrophotometer the wavelength has to set to 540.The absorbance reading is proportional to the concentration of hemoglobin. Besides hemoglobin, other types of Hbg are measure with the spect like carboxyhemoglobin and methhemoglobin.
3. In order to perform the procedure you have to collect a specimen from the patient which would be blood from a capillary stick or veinipuncture.
4. The first step is to run controls
5. To calculate Hg take HCT and divide by 2 or you can take the rbc’s and multiply by 3
6. g/dl
7. Newborns: 16.5-21.5 g/dl
Infacts(6mth-1yr): 10.4-16.0 g/dl
Adult Female: 12.0-15.0 g/dl
Adult Male: 14.0-18.0 g/dl 9. 10.
1.Hematocrit is the portion of whole blood that consists of red blood cells, expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume. Hematocrit is also know as HCT, CRIT, and PCV(packed cell volume). HCT is a test for anemia The hematocrit is a commonly performed test that provides the clinician with an estimate of the patient's red cell volume and, thus, the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity. The measurement is useful