2. Authority Authority is the given power ( based on legitimate rule by organization) to an official to issue orders to subordinates and take work from them. This principle states that managers require authority to perform their managerial responsibilities.
3. Discipline Discipline is related with regulation of behaviour of employees at workplace. Without discipline, authority has no meaning; there should be someone to obey the orders. This principle suggests that there is requirement of a set of rules and procedures aimed at attaining good employee discipline and obedience.
4. Unity of command This is the “one man one boss rule”. An employee should receive orders from only one boss only. If a worker will receive orders from several bosses he will be confused and over burdened. Also there will be a problem regarding reporting. So this principle emphasizes on only one boss for a worker.
5. Subordination of individual interests to the organizational interest. Employees must sacrifice their interests for the good of the organization. The organizational goals/ tasks/work would be preferred over interest of worker or group of workers. Thus an organization should employ only those individuals who are fully committed to its objectives and are willing to readily follow the organization’s mandates/rules.
6. Unity of direction This principle supposes that there should be only one plan and only one boss for each group of activities having same objectives. This is to ensure that the organization is