the people we’re supposed to trust. It’s quickly become human nature to assume that the good truth is nothing more than an urban legend. Many are starting to believe that the golden rule is nothing more than a way for us to be further manipulated by a higher power. We, as humans, seem to have adapted to these false truths and power imbalances by building up false personas to compensate for the traits we lack. Iit can easily be argued that this is an incorrect viewpoint however, especially from a transcendental point of view..
Transcendentalist believe that people are inherently good, and that it’s society that corrupts us, so wouldn’t a generalized statement such as this contradict what Thoreau believes? While the above could be considered pretentious, it is still fairly thought provoking, it really allows a person to look at themselves and question whether or not they believe the “shams and delusions” they put on for themselves. While it may not do the same for everyone, it certainly did so for me. This quote has inspired me to look within myself and see that I’m not as independent and self-reliant as I had convinced myself I am. Self reliance and independence are the two ideals that I value the most, and yet here I am, not fully accepting that I’m not as confident as I had originally thought. I’m taking grand delusions and pushing away the truth as fictional, invasive thoughts. This insight has helped me to realize that I need to work on my weak personality traits for myself rather than pretty them up for others. To grow as a person, I need to realize that pushing things down to avoid conflict can only harm me, and that I need to accept that not everyone will like
you. To become the person I pretend to be, I need to figure out how to actually better my mental state rather than tie a bow around it. As a general rule, mankind needs to learn to embrace the truth no matter how difficult, and use it has a sturdy base for building the character that’s needed to not only stop the corruption in our society, but also to stop a vicious cycle of intrusive thoughts that drag down the progression of our society.