
Henry David Thoreau's 'Vignette Of You'

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Vignette of You

Situated within a certain mansion, buttressed by stone walls covered in mould, therein lies a portrait. This portrait, caked in dust, had lost the vibrant splendour of which it attained years ago. It depicts a grandiose mansion, windows smiling brightly as candle light filtered through them, creating an atmosphere of joy and merry-making. However, such beauty was sadly hidden, for it was hung in the most depilated part of the mansion, which no one roams. On the other side of the mansion though, is a couple, gazing lovingly into each other spiritual windows, as each was deeply lost in the emotions tumbling within their hearts, a girl and her fiancé. The female, a lady in her twenties dressed in an ostentatious dress, as was
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Sleep evaded her for no apparent reason. Acting on a whim, she decided to explore the huge mansion which she knew as home. She wandered along the corridor till she reached a fork leading towards two different hallways. One led to the drawing room which she frequently visited as a child. The other was a path which was deserted. Some said that it was haunted. Others said it was a never ending path leading to a void. Akina felt a shiver run down her spine. She did not know what suddenly gave her a desire for an adventure, what boosted her courage and what caused her legs to move on their own accord down the secluded path. She walked down the path, passing by various mysterious doors and passages till she came face to face with a door. The door was like no other and it towered over her. Somehow she could feel an aura around the place that gave her goose bumps but at the same time beckoned her to go in. Her curiosity got the better of her and she stretched out her hands, gripping onto the …show more content…

At a balcony, the sound of laughter could be heard from a couple. Zooming in, one would realise that the couple is Akina and Adonis. “Akina, I cannot hide my feelings for you anymore, your beauty and character entrails me so. Akina, I love you. Would you accept my love?” Adonis proposed kneeling down. Only then was Akina pulled back into reality, she was already engaged to someone, what is she doing frolicking here? Being in denial, she did what her natural instincts told her: To run.” She picked up her dress and ran towards the place from which she appeared from. Hoping that what she thought was right, she hurriedly approached a picture of a mansion that looked eerily similar to hers and reached towards it. She was once again pulled into the picture but this time not

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