The Industrial Revolution of the 19th Century had paved the way to the development of organized systematic approaches to management. One of the most influential contributors to the management theory is Henry Fayol. He was the first management theorist who used the term ‘administration’. His theory is generally understood as administrative management theory or Fayolism. In his theory, he focused on the top-level management and managers’ actions, divided the activities of an organization into 6 groups and identified 6 managerial qualities for a manager. Importantly, he devised the famous 14 principles of management and 5 elements of management process. After this, people begin to study his theory and accord the full positive evaluation of his contribution until some decades after his death.
This project assignment gives a review about the overview of life and the development of key work of management theorist, Henry Fayol. The aim of the project is to understand his concepts of management that are practical in top-level management. Another goal with the project is to examine his principles and elements of management as guidelines to be applied for all managers. And also, this project assignment gives some points of view about his theory contributes to modern concepts of management and his achievement in his lifetime.
Henry Fayol was a French administrative management theorist and well-known as the father of modern management. He had a extraordinary life. He was born on 29 July 1841 in Istanbul, Turkey. Born that year, his father was an engineer who was appointed superintendent of works to build a bridge over the Golden Horn in Istanbul. A few years later, he and his family returned to France in 1847 when he was a child.
Had a period time, Fayol studied at the mining school ‘Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines’ in Saint-Etienne of France and eventually graduated in 1860. When he was age of 19, he began working as an engineer
References: 1. Wikipedia (2012). Henri Fayol. [Online]. Available at Fayol (Accessed: 3 March 2012) 2. Wikipedia (2012). Fayolism. [Online]. Available at Fayol_and_the_Administrative_theory (Accessed: 3 March 2012) 3. (2010). Henri Fayol – Elements of Management by Henry Fayol. [Online]. Available at (Accessed: 3 March 2012) 4. (2012) 5. (2012). Henri Fayol – Principles & Functions of Management. [Online]. Available at (Accessed: 4 March 2012) 6. (2012) 7. Janet Krenn (2011). Management Theory of Henri Fayol. [Online]. Available at (Accessed: 5 March 2012) 8. (2008) 9. Global Management Analysts Association (2009). Fayolism. [Online]. Available at (Accessed: 6 March 2012)