Prince Hal uses words seen throughout the course of the play such as honor and redeem. This relates Prince Hal to the characters that the audience views as more mature. Up until this point in the play Hal has been doing nothing to prove himself worthy of the throne. He has taken Falstaff as a father figure and spends his days on stools with Falstaff and friends. Hal has been indifferent about his royal future but claims everyone will be impressed when he turns his life around. Hal’s time to defend his royal seat comes when the Percy’s attack and Hotspur threatens to take the throne. In the speech in Act 3, scene 2 Hal’s diction shows strength as he tells his father, the king, he will defeat Hotspur. Hal creates images of redemption when he says “ ANd that shall be the day, whene’er it lights… This gallant Hotspur, this praised knight, And your …show more content…
Hal speaks about Redemption and how blood is the only way to scrub himself 3. He speaks violently about how he will claim his on her back, like when he swears to “ tear the Reckoning from his heart”(157) this is just the turning point for Hal. as it continues the audience watches him power struggle with Hotspur who refuses to give up his title. “O Harry, that has robbed me of my youth. I better Brook the loss of brittle life than those proud titles that thou hast won of me.” (5.4 78-80) In addition, the speech in Act 3 is the beginning of the turning point for