‘The Drovers Wife’ is a tale of an unnamed woman, the drover’s wife, who is alone with her children when the family encounters a snake “Nineteen miles to the nearest sign of civilisation”. She proceeded to stays up all night and wait for the snake to emerge, while she reminisces about her past. Lawson’s main purpose in the drover’s wife is actually …show more content…
Imagery is used often as well as hyperbole’s such also in the line “carrying a stick bigger than himself” He also uses anecdotes to tell past stories, which enhance the main story. “She had prayed… God sent Black Mary.” They also show her humorous side. Personification is used to shows her sense of control and leadership “She lays her hand on the dog’s head, and all the fierce, angry light dies out of his yellow eyes”. Also Onomatopoeia is used to give a dramatic sense to the story with the repeated word ‘Thud, Thud’. The line “Worn-out breast” is a metaphor yet also symbolic of the hardship that she faces symbolism is again used with her killing the snake in the end, which is symbolic of her survival against the …show more content…
The drovers wife was comprised of many short paragraphs, except one – the killing of the snake, this is effective is causing a dramatic reaction from the responder and builds tension. It is written in third person, from the viewpoint of an omniscient narrator, who frequently makes direct observations during the story such as “She’s not a coward”. Other lines such as “She cried then” shows the nameless woman’s emotional side, and the hardships that she faces.
Another of Lawson’s stories is the humorous ‘loaded dog’. A tale of the 3 men Dave, Jim and Andy who hit on an ingenious plan to catch fish, by blowing them out of the creek with a special cartridge made from explosives. The cartridge is retrieved by Tommy, there lovable dog, who chases the men that are running away from the inevitable explosion. Tommy, however, is saved by a 'vicious, yellow mongrel cattle dog' a dog despised by all. The cartridge is dropped by Tommy and claimed by the cattle dog when it explodes. The main theme being mateship in the