Henry Tam & MGI Team Case
Members: Ashwin, Jared, Kevin, Michelle, Hannah, Patrick
1 Identify the problem: What is your evaluation of the MGI team’s processes and outcomes?
The MGI team was comprised of seven members, three of which were founders: Sasha Gimpeison, Igor Tkachenko, Roman Yakub, Dav Clark, Alexander Jan Sartakov, Dana Soiman, Henry Tam Jr. The evaluation of the MGI team concerning processes and outcomes can be determined by analyzing the five stages of team development. The five stages are, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.
In forming the stage, members were brought into the team at different times. For example, Dav Clark was not introduced until the third meeting. There were some conflicts and confusion among the group members in the storming stage. The confusion about group roles arose when Sasha felt Dana and Henry were merely interns. Dav and Igor, the other team members, saw Dana and Henry as strategic contributors to the business. In the norming stage, the group usually starts to work together, conflict is reduced, and team confidence increases. However, in this case, the team failed to establish proper ground rules and values, not allowing the team to function successfully. There were still disagreements between Sasha, Henry and Dana. Since no information regarding rules and norms had been formally discussed in the norming stage, the problems amongst the team followed them to the performing stage. The performing stage was unsuccessful because the team did not achieve their goal of finishing their task on time. The business plan was not completed by the appropriated time. In the final adjourning stage, due to the disagreements between group members, the task of completing the business plan was not accomplished in the allotted timeframe. 2. Identify the causes: What are the root causes of the team’s problems?
The root causes of the team’s failures came as a result of many