Often time’s people say the transition from boyhood to manhood is a difficult task. No one understands this process more than Richard in Richard Wrights novel “Black Boy “.In chapter 6 Richard gets interviewed for multiple jobs so he can earn enough money to get food. The first job Richard has was cleaning and washing dishes but before he actually got the job he had to answer a very important question. The question was would Richard ever steal from those he worked for? Richard thought to himself thinking that if he answered truthfully then the family would think he’s lying and if he lied then he was therefore untrustworthy. He immediately said no to stealing but as soon as he started his job he knew he had to quit due to unsafe health reasons.
Summary 7
In time Richard finally finds a job he thinks he can be he can be happy and satisfied with but that all goes downhill. Richard works as a Water boy and Brick gatherer in a local brickyard because all of his other recent attempts for a job have been complete failures. One afternoon while Richard is working very hard gathering bricks the boss’s dog snarl’s and then bites Richard. Richard thought he might die because all those who have been bit by the dog have become extremely ill. Richard then takes it upon himself to tell his “white” boss but the boss says “A dog bite can’t hurt a Nigger’ which makes Richard quit.
Summary 8
Richard is once again looking for a job but his searches land him at a local sawmill. But he leaves many of the workers have missing arms so he thinks the job is unsafe and quits immediately and thinks to himself that he will only focus on school. Richard is felling very sad because he can’t find a job and is very hungry but get’s some great news that he is named valedictorian of his class. The principle congragulates Richard for his success but then tells Richard he cannot read his own speech to the audience because they will be mostly white. He tells Richard that if he reads his