Geoff Herbach throws in difficult situations that are strenuous to Felton, HerBach does this to express teenage conflict and overwhelming change in lifestyle. Felton has always found home as a reassurance to any issue that faces him, but when his family goes crazy Felton …show more content…
Felton must now heal the bonds broken by insanity, and finds that action must occur. Felton find that in order to bring the family back from insanity, Andrew and Felton must overcome their brotherly rivalry. Felton finds Andrew unable to handle the sickness of Jerry’s sanity, “Andrew kneeled down and [clung] to Felton’s neck and cried for like two minutes (which hurt a lot, but it was [worth] it).”(Herbach 215). The fact that Andrew-who is currently showing lots of stress- “clung” on Felton’s neck thus illustrating to the reader that Andrew now looks at Felton as the authoritative figure now, knowing that Jerry is definitely unfit to do so. That real heart warming part is when Felton describes the pain “worth” it, thus saying that Felton values the friendship between Felton and Andrew. Herbach has used the interaction between Andrew and Felton to portray a development in contentment and control, with Felton. Although Felton has mended the bonds between Andrew, it is a greater challenge to do the same with Jerry, due to the fact Jerry will not Listen to Felton. The need of plan to return Jerry to sanity was needed, because Felton and Andrew could not Live on their own, so Felton calls the only living family member, Grandma Barba. When Grandma Barbara came to the house, Grandma Barba really took the place of the motherly figure, by buy new clothes, cleaning the