Here in America in every single state there is a set of standards for every single subject required for the teachers to teach by the end of the term. But the greatest lessons you will ever teach us will not come from your syllabus. The greatest lessons you will ever teach us you will not even remember teaching. Because you never taught us. And You never told us what we weren't aloud to say. We just learned how to hold our tongues. Now somewhere in America there is a child holding a copy of catcher of the rye and a child holding a gun. But only one of these things have been banned from their state government. And it's not the one that can rip through flesh. It's the one that says fuck you on more pages than one. Because we lose control on what the …show more content…
My race is forbidden to say and my opinion is not allowed in my own classroom. And We were taught that just bc something happens doesn't mean we should talk about it. They fill this world with shopping malls so that you forget that ur standing on the bones of the hispanics-on the bones of the Latinas-on the bones of the African Americans bc they don't want you to know that you’re here because of them. They want you to think that no one was here before Christopher Columbus and that we didn't kill them just for this to be our land. They don't want us to know the truth of who we really are because it protects their government. You think we don't know what you've done to get us here. Your murders and you won the case bc no one knew the truth but the people that you have killed in cold blood. And somewhere in America children are wondering why they can't even use the restroom without permission from their teacher. Somewhere in America there is a girl that has no right because of her skin tone and somewhere in America there is a boy being killed bc he spoke up about the truth of why we’re here and they didn't like that so there was a command to kill the boy and the listener obeyed because he