A year in the South 1865
Try to look at a year and a particular event, and how it is imagined. Such as the mysterious death of Mary rogers, we read how it has imagined. The stories and issues that escalated and emerged out of this event. Stephen Ash deals with a critical year in the south in which the war was concluded the confederacy collapses, the emancipation crees start to kick in or people hope that they would kick in.
Their often in a narrative mode they tell stories. For mixed audiences
Small context to explore the politics of identity along the axes of class, race and gender. This is very much related to the book year in the south
Anti-presentist, or counter presentist
The exceptional/normal
The new mirco historiesthat came out in the last 25 years they have authorial visibility. Which means tthat the author herself inserts herself in the story. Shrednicks voice emersed herself in the death of mary rogers in the dicroy to the way she discovers the fact.
Narrative mode: try to capture the aspirations and uncertainities of a year of transition
Small context: links family with larger histories. 4 people 4 fmailies
Presentism arrested by the polticis f slavery.
Exceptional yeae 1865
Authroit invistibility. Ash dosent insert himself into the sotry evry much he tries to be wuiet distant maybe he wants to tell the story from all points of view.
The source
Does ash “flatteb” his sources to intergrate the individual records?
Different sources decreeeeeeeeeeeee
Two (Robertson and ash) are genuinely private diaries
Two (Huges and Mcdonld) are published accounts and mediated by kin and friends. They were public stories, in which were intedned to be public stories.
The latter really deal more with the politics of momeory rhan with immediate experience.
Features of hughes story
Hazards of escaping, even afyer the emancipation proclamation,
Flight to Memphis, problems of the irish,
Searching for matildas mother