Physical appearance is one of the factors that adopting parents should be worrying about because according to scientists, “traits such as eye color and hair color are determined by specific genes encoded in each human cell” (Powell, 2012). One example that proves people get their physical appearance from their biological parents is to go and examine other kids and their parents. There is always one characteristic if not more in the kid that is similar to their parents. And this is also why twins also look so much alike, and even has similar behaviors.
Although some adopting parents might not care about their kid’s physical appearance, one of the most important things to worry about is their health. “Heredity’s role in both physical and mental disorders is largely one of inherited predisposition” (Heredity versus environment), meaning mutant genes would distort body’s biochemical systems,
References: Bryner, J. (2006, July 19). Live science. Retrieved from Heredity vs. Environment Lipton, B. The biology of belief. Powell, K. (2010, July 19). Retrieved from Underwood, A. (1997, February 28). Shyness, sadness, curiosity, joy. is it nature or nurture?. Retrieved from