Heresy is the refutation of the truth as taught by the church. Heretic safeguards the manifestation and existence of Christianity but denies the principle and the true meaning of Christianity. A heretic will pursues a bogus belief for desire of human approval while keeping the outward appearance of Christianity. In the medieval foundations orthodox, Christianity was the most important essence of the church. The experience of Christians for more than a thousand years drew a line between orthodox and heresies. In the gospel of Peter heresy gets considered, “there shall be false teachers, who will deny the teachings,” According to smith “the apologist Tertullian suggested that heresies are instigated by philosophy” (13). The Catholic Church, unlike the protestant, makes a fabulous distinction between formal and material heresy. Heresies that have faced the church can be categorized into: Christological, Gnostic, restorationism, counter-reformation and medieval heresies.
Thesis statement
The paper looks at the various heresies and their refutation.
Christology involves the overall study of life and work of Jesus Christ. The conventional teaching concerning the life of Jesus as finally developed is trinity. The Christological heresy consists of various heresies.
This heresy viewed Jesus as having a human body and a lesser soul with a divine mind. The heresy showed Jesus as fully God and partially human. This heresy was proposed by Apollinaris but later condemned at the Council of Constantine. The heresy stated that Jesus the divine would surpass and replace human beings. Apollinaris taught that the divine and the human nature of Jesus could not subsist in one person, thus reduce the human nature of Jesus. This heresy denies the true humanity in the person of Jesus. Jesus had to be both human and God. For Jesus to die for men, he needed to be human and in order for Jesus, to offer purity he had to be God. This heresy