Grand Canyon University
May 10, 2015
In the health care system, the family of a patient has an important role in the recovery of the illness. Healthy interaction between the patient and the family members may have a positive outcome in the treatment. Provision of health care can be customized according to the family background of the patients. People come from various parts of the world having different culture, languages, etc. are lived together and follow their principles in life rigidly, and some of them may develop to follow a mixed culture. Evaluating such background would help us to understand different cultures as well as help us to meet the patient’s requirements. Heritage is something one inherits from his/her birth such as characters, status, and belongings and legacy (Mosby, 2014).. The heritage assessment tool can explain the extent at which a person’s culture influenced by his/ her lifestyle, which may be used to assess health status, protection and restoration of individual cultural practices. The heritage assessment tool can helpful in healthcare because it helps healthcare people to evaluate physical, mental, spiritual beliefs and relation with the other families. This can be helpful for health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration. Heritage assessment conducted among three different families who follow different culture and heritage by using heritage assessment tool (Spector, R. E. 2000) This article concentrate on the interviews with three different families includes African- American, Bahamian and the author’s own Indian family
Families interviewed
The African family interviewed was the Fehintola’s that are native of Ibadan, Nigeria and currently reside in Miami for approximately five years. For the Bahamian culture, the family interview was Marifer family native of Bahamas currently resides in Miami