Hermeneutics Imagination Participants in this study shared their experiences as it relates to using UF/IFAS Extension. Several, mentioned that (a) African -American farmers in general don’t know what it UF/IFAS Extension is, (b ) outreach is not visibly and present in the communities (c) its not friendly enough for the people that have frequent UF/IFAS Extension in the past, (d) Information is not easily accessible .The research chose theses recurring themes to explore the actual phenomenology meaning.
What is UF/IFAS Extension ? …show more content…
Therefore, through use of the hermeneutic circle and interpreting the texts, (see figure 5) the phenomenon revealed that African American farmers are unaware of the services because UF/IFAS Extension operates like a hospital in the sense that Extension only interacts with individuals that have sought out their services. Extensions operates like a hospital in many aspects. For example, UF/IFAS Extension mission focus on “. . . making that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. (UF Extension 2016 Website), this is similar to the purpose of the hospital which also provides a quality service to improve