ALS 162
Comparative Analysis
In ancient times, there are many heroes deserve our admiration, they have been dedicated in this world all their own, these real heroes are worthy of praise by people's. Hero stands for different things to different kinds people. People always understand hero as a film or sports star. In article “Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich” the author Tollefson talks about what is a hero. The question “What is a hero?” is the main topic of this essay. “Eve’s daughters” from Polster, which is a article I want to compare with “Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich”. She talks the forbidden heroism of women. Tollefson and Polster are from different decades, so they have different point of view to hero. In the article “Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich”, the main topic is the question “ what is a hero”. Hero in different cultures share certain characteristics. The hero represent higher power that make other people better when they imitate the hero. Heroes cause change in their culture. If the social without the leadership of heroes that will be change slowly. In the article “Eve’s daughters”, the author Polster shows us five characteristics of heroism which is respect for human life, faith in her effective exercise of choice, original perspective, courage and public or unpublic heroism. Heroic acts of women
throughout history have been ignored, misinterpreted, and maligned. She proposed the banning heroism of women. Polster shows how women and men can rely on their innate and unique strengths and qualities to facing their own daily struggles, do not need to be limited to stereotypical male heroism. These two article are from different decades. They have different interpretations to the hero. Ted Tollefson is male writer which has different opinion from women’s. To compare with Miriam Polster, they have different background and style,. He was focus on the macroscopical views