The main character of the book is Zach Harriman 14 year old boy whose father recently died in a plane crash. His father worked for the secret service. Zach starts to investigate his father's mysterious death. He is told by a “friend of the family” named Mr. Herbert that he has supernatural powers, and his father had them to.
The antagonist of the novel is “The Bads,” Zach and Mr. Herbert refer to this organization as the bads throughout the books. They are a mysterious group of people set out to destroy the world by doing horrific acts of violence upon …show more content…
This book reminded me of the series called the Reckoners by Brandon Sanderson.
The Reckoners series is about people who mysteriously received super powers, much like Zach did. My favorite part of Hero is when the sniper was aimed on Senator Kerrigan at his speech. Zach dives into him to before the snipers shot was able to kill him saving the Senator’s life.
If I were to change anything in the book I would have changed the ending. When it ended right in the middle of action I was very mad. I really wanted to know what happened next and just wanted to just continue on with the book. The story did end the way I expected. At the end it ended with a huge cliff hanger. So far there hasn’t been another book and it has been 5 years since it came out. The story didn’t end the way I expected. I thought the ending would have ended with Zach fighting the Bad and destroying their organization. Instead the book ends with Zach saving Senator Kerrigan's life, and Mr. Herbert taking one of the bullets and dying. I can relate to being a student athlete. Zach is a very smart and does well in school, and is a very good athlete who a variety of sports at his