Heroes can have many unique attributes. Some are courageous, others are noble, or honest .Most heroes have different combinations of these characteristics .There may be many words used to describe a hero, but the real question is “What defines a hero?” A hero is an average entity who finds the will to sustain and endure in spite of staggering obstacles. First and foremost heroes have specific qualities that set them apart from the rest, the selflessness of their actions speak volumes to those in need, and lastly there are many traits and attributes that a hero does not possess.
First of all to know what defines a hero, a person must first know what a hero is. A hero can be anyone who is willing to put others before themselves and help them with whatever he or she can. A hero is this because when he or she go on to complete quests or tasks, they need different levels of perseverance to complete them successfully. If a person is not able to obtain the needed level of dedication and decides to give up, the person cannot be a hero. Also to be a hero the person must be helping others out of kindness. Anyone can be a hero as long as they encourage or help others. A different type of hero, apart from the stereotype can be someone who inspires people and give them the will to continue.
Later on, after the person gets the concept of what a hero is, they can learn more about actual heroes and what makes them one. For the most part, ordinarily, everyone has either, one or a couple of heroes. An example of a hero can be Michelle Obama .Michelle is a hero for many reasons, she is an inspiration for many people and participated in campaigns like “Let’s Move” and “Joining Forces”. Michelle is a very influential person to others, but what makes her a hero is that she takes advantage of her position to encourage others to help and become heroes themselves! Another hero is Coco Chanel. She might not be the first person who pops up in people’s minds