Lisa Carroll
English 101/AAGB1EU426
December 14, 2014
Kayenta Williams
When the word “hero” comes to mind, people generally think of Superman, a military person who was in a war, or a person who has saved someone’s life. Hero headlines may read “Hero neighbor saves 7-year old girl who fell from third story window in Coney Island” (Robinson, A. & Paddock, B., NY Daily News, 2012), a “Man is rescued by stranger on subway tracks” (Buckey, C., NY Times, 2007), and “Wounded Placerville soldier receives hero 's welcome” (News 10 ABC, 2012). “A hero is defined as someone who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character and is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements” ( Heroes don’t just save peoples’ lives, they do other things to help people and that’s what makes them stand out from the rest of us. There are many heroes amongst us today and these are their stories.
The types of supporting paragraphs for my expository essay will be the stories of various heroes. There will be stories about heroes’ savings lives and heroes doing other things besides savings lives that impact people. We need to know that there truly are heroes that exist in this world today and we need inspiring stories to lift up our spirits from all the negative news that we here on a daily basis.
Robinson, A & Paddock, B., (2012). NY Daily News. Hero Neighbor Saves 7-Year Old Girl Who Fell From Third Story Window In Coney Island. Retrieved from the NY Daily News website:
Buckey, C. (2007). New York Times. Man Is Rescued By Stranger On Subway Tracks. Retrieved from the New York Times website:
News 10 ABC. (2012). Wounded Placerville Soldier Receives Hero Welcome.
References: Robinson, A & Paddock, B., (2012). NY Daily News. Hero Neighbor Saves 7-Year Old Girl Who Fell From Third Story Window In Coney Island. Retrieved from the NY Daily News website: Buckey, C. (2007). New York Times. Man Is Rescued By Stranger On Subway Tracks. Retrieved from the New York Times website: News 10 ABC. (2012). Wounded Placerville Soldier Receives Hero Welcome. Retrieved from the website: No Information Available. (2014). Definition of Hero Retrieved from: