English 105
Rough Draft #1
September 18th, 2014 Different hero’s can take many different journeys, but Joseph Campbell has shown that there are patterns that can be recognized throughout each and every unique yet similar journey. These recognizable patterns can be found in any way shape or from when dealing with a hero story. One story that is a prime example of a true “hero’s journey” is the story of Mr. Incredible from the movie The Incredibles. His powers include super strength, agility, and speed along with limited invulnerability. A typical main superhero skill set. Like some hero stories the movie begins as flashback, and shows how things used to be for Mr. Incredible. The flashback begins with an interview scene of Mr. Incredible, Frozone and Elastigirl talking about being a superhero and how they each have a secret identity that they go by when they aren’t in superhero mode. The next few scenes show Mr. Incredible or Bob Parr (his secret identity name) on his way to his wedding when he is side tracked by chase between a gunman & the police and an old lady getting her cat stuck in a tree. Long story short he detaches the tree from the ground and shakes the cat free while also using the same tree to stop the gunman driven car. The old lay and the police both thank him and tell him how grateful and thankful they are to have Mr. Incredible around. This follows along exactly with phase one of Campbell’s hero journey, this is the familiarity that Mr. Incredible has with his surrounding and home environment. He is comfortable with this because it is what he knows as normal.
To add to that, the girl he is marrying is in fact Elastigirl, who he has known for some time and also fought along side of her in passing. After the marriage they have 3 kids (who also have super powers). This is step 7, not exactly following the order of events directly but it doesn’t necessarily have to. Elastigirl is Mr. Incredibles soul mate. She is a perfect for him