This primary source comes from the ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus. He was born in 484 BCE, and lived to 425BCE. He is most known for his writing of the histories, which is a series of 6 books. The second, of whom we will be focusing on, goes into much detail about Egypt and the Egyptians. Herodotus is considered to be the father of history because he was the first person to take what he knew from oral tradition and wrote it down to last.
The purpose for this source was that Herodotus was trying to get the …show more content…
The historical setting of this primary source was anywhere between the 450’s BCE, to the 420’s BCE. We are unable to pinpoint the exact time to a specific year; rather we give this range of years because this is when Herodotus was in his primed writing years. This is due to the fact that by this time in his life he had already travelled around and knew everything about the places he wrote about, more specifically in book two, Egypt and its …show more content…
So after this happened the men got together and decided to revolt and they marched away toward Ethiopia. When they arrived they gave themselves complete service to the king. He promptly put their services to use in which he sent them to a land that was inhabited by people he was feuding with. He sent the soldiers to take back the