His actions are rarely noble, which was said to have been a hero’s trait, and his personality is not as one would think of a hero. As the novel progressing Jonas continues to make unwise decisions, thinking of only what he wants. With the many situations Jonas puts himself and others in with blatant disregard for their wellbeing or the rules, it is hard to see the heroic qualities he supposedly possesses. An antihero fits him quite well, with his unconventional versions of “heroism,” and he does nothing to prove himself worthy of a hero’s title. Jonas, or as it’s hebrew translation, “dove, or destroyer,” is apparently just as his name predicts(SheKnows
His actions are rarely noble, which was said to have been a hero’s trait, and his personality is not as one would think of a hero. As the novel progressing Jonas continues to make unwise decisions, thinking of only what he wants. With the many situations Jonas puts himself and others in with blatant disregard for their wellbeing or the rules, it is hard to see the heroic qualities he supposedly possesses. An antihero fits him quite well, with his unconventional versions of “heroism,” and he does nothing to prove himself worthy of a hero’s title. Jonas, or as it’s hebrew translation, “dove, or destroyer,” is apparently just as his name predicts(SheKnows