Per. 4- Eldrigde
October 3, 2014
Lancelot vs. Superman Both Lancelot and Superman are seen as heroes for their actions and generous deed, but are heroes in their own unique ways. They both meet the same goals and carry the same characteristics, however, they unknowingly use different methods to meet these goals. The have different tactics and tools that help them.
Lancelot is a very courageous and strong hearted man. He is willing to confront fear, pain, uncertainty, danger, and intimidation regardless of the ending results or consequences. Even if it were to cost him his own life he would still feel proud and knew he did everything he could. This also makes him very fearless and almost uncaring for his own wellbeing. His sense of fearlessness comes from the fact that when he was younger his family was locked in a building as it was burnt to the ground. Since then he feels that he has nothing to live for and he has no fear of losing his life. Another characteristic of Lancelot’s heroism is the sword he carries. His sword symbolizes his strength, hope, and his sense of leadership. It brings courage to him when he has to fight and protect himself or others. The last characteristic we saw in the movie was when King Arthur hands Lancelot the thrown. When this happens he also earns the characteristic of nobility.
A present day well-known hero that almost all of us have looked up to and wanted to be is Superman. We all know him as “The Man of Steel” who is indestructible against anything. You cannot shoot, stab, or even blow him up. His only weakness is kryptonite and it is almost impossible to find. To us he meets all the standards of a true hero. He has the super strength to allow him to pick up cars, stop trains, and protect the normal person who can’t. But unlike Lancelot, Superman does not fight with a weapon. The closest thing he has to a weapon is his heat ray eyes. Even though he usually only uses it to melt things, heat things, or cut