In a world dominated by the God like characteristics, Beowulf and Achilles stand out above all mythical legends. Beowulf and Achilles define what it means to be an epic hero. Both heroes possess bravery in the battlefield against unique enemies, display strong leadership skills, and loyalty to their home country. Nevertheless, both characters imperfection and shortcomings give them qualities that modern day humans possess Both characters demonstrate the traits of bravery and leadership in the battlefield. Achilles is brave because he fought valiantly. Beowulf’s leadership help fights to protect his soldiers and to make his kingdom peaceful. Achilles is beyond doubt the greatest warrior in the Achaian army. He is willing to
In a world dominated by the God like characteristics, Beowulf and Achilles stand out above all mythical legends. Beowulf and Achilles define what it means to be an epic hero. Both heroes possess bravery in the battlefield against unique enemies, display strong leadership skills, and loyalty to their home country. Nevertheless, both characters imperfection and shortcomings give them qualities that modern day humans possess Both characters demonstrate the traits of bravery and leadership in the battlefield. Achilles is brave because he fought valiantly. Beowulf’s leadership help fights to protect his soldiers and to make his kingdom peaceful. Achilles is beyond doubt the greatest warrior in the Achaian army. He is willing to