Minerva Mirabal was born march 12, 1926. She has three sisters (Alvarez 8) and wants to practice law (Alvarez 10). Just like anyone else in the world Minerva has hopes and dreams. Even her actions even support this because she “is always the one with stories on the tip of her tongue.”(Alvarez 67) And because she wishes to be a lawyer it is good she can think on her feet in this way. Minerva even goes to school, once again proving she is a ordinary individual.
As a young girl Minerva …show more content…
When the SIM takes Minerva and her younger sister to prison (Alvarez 288), she tries to lift everyone’s spirit by “singing the national anthem” even through it gets her sent of solitary for a week (Alvarez 288). She even keeps a safe face for her sister never “letting [herself] go” (Alvarez 231). She keeps this front even though she must deal with torture. Though the only plainly stated example of this is displayed using Maria, (Alvarez 254) it is easy to infer Minerva bad to deal with this as well. Not too long after being let out of jail, Minerva and two of her three sisters go to visit their husbands who are in jail. They visited quite often and brought their husband baskets (Alvarez 267). One day on one of these outings they were “forced to stop.”(Alvarez 302) At this point all sisters in the car proved their willingness to die for their cause, and this was the last time they were seen alive.
In conclusion, Minerva Mirabal is not just an ordinary girl, nor is she simply a martyr, but she is all of them. She started as we all do, with a dream and hopes for the future. Then things changed in school and their started her path to not only being a hero but a martyr. She died on the way to see her loved on with her loved ones, supporting what she truly believed