How it is made Heroin is processed from morphine, which is a natural substance removed from the seed pod of specific varieties of poppy plants. Morphine is where heroin is made from. It is made into heroin by a chemical reaction that has a chemical compound known as, acetic anhydride. When the poppy plant that the heroin comes from is ripening, its pod gets …show more content…
This includes, binding to and activating specific receptoys in the brain, causes you to be drowsy for several hours after the use of it, and it can also lead to coma and permanent brain damage. Heroin is also dangerous because it causes lung damage, danger to the heart, affects your mind and ability to think, and it can even cause kidney damage.
What it feels like What does it feel like when you do heroin? Many people say that when you do heroin you feel a sensation of safety and warmth. Often most people will say that they feel a rush when they do heroin or any drugs and feel free from all of their problems. When you use heroin it is just a big rush of everything. You feel at peace and everything is calm in your mind. How do people use heroin? There is a lot of ways to do heroin. The most popular is, injecting heroin by using needles, but when you use needles it is sometimes very unsafe because you are injecting it straight into the vain and your blood stream which also causes faster results. It is also very unsafe to use needles that are shared because you never know you the person who has used that needle before you has had any diseases or has any diseases. Other common ways that people will do heroin is, snorting, and finally inhaling or smoking