The first type of herpes is HSV1 when you get a cold sore on the top of your lip. Which is also known as Oral Herpes. It can be transmitted just like HSV2. HSV1 is an estimated 80 percent of adults are infected with it. Having HSV1 is not as bad as people think but it is still contagious, so you want to refrain from kissing and touching. Symptoms for HSV1 can last up to a few weeks than go disappear.
The second type of herpes is HSV2 is when you get blisters on your genital area. Which is also actually know that they have Genital Herpes. When you have an outbreak they usually happen on the vagina which is the most common one. Genital herpes symptoms can last up to several weeks than go away but than again they can always come back.
There are different ways you can treat your herepes. For HSV1 ask your doctor for an antiviral drug that will help minimize your outbreaks so you can live life and not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. Now granted HSV1 is not as bad as HSV2 but you are still going to feel embarrassed when you get your first intial outbreak and your gonna be scared to talk to your dr about your symptoms but your going to want to ask for treatment so you can keep your outbreaks to a minium.