The Hershey Company 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Scorecard outlines our progress in advancing the priorities we established in our 2009 Corporate Social Responsibility Report. We understand that operating a sustainable, competitive business requires a commitment to improving our economic, environmental, and social performance. This scorecard shows how we performed against the goals published in our 2009 CSR Report as well as against newer targets established to further advance our priorities. Within this scorecard, we use the following to indicate our progress:
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Achieved. We have met the target within or ahead of the time frame specified. On track. We expect to achieve the target within the time frame specified. Under development. We are working to further define this target. Needs improvement. We have made some progress but either lack sufficient data or have not progressed as we had expected toward achieving this target.
We look forward to continuing to report on our performance, and we welcome your feedback. To give us your comments, please visit
The hershey Company CorporaTe soCial responsibiliTy sCoreCard 2010
Engage in fair and ethical business dealings through: integrity of supply
Issued the revised Supplier Code of Conduct to major suppliers in 2010 and all new suppliers on a goforward basis.
2010 progress
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Revised supplier Code of Conduct; issued revised code to key suppliers, translated it and posted it to our website to ensure global access. Hershey 's Supplier Code of Conduct is now a contract term for all US purchase orders. With partners World Cocoa Foundation and The Ghanaian Cocoa Board, developed CocoaLink, a mobile technology program to bring our farmer