Professor Bauer
Abolitionist Movement
Abolitionist Movement
Abolitionism was a significant element in electoral politics, several decades before the Civil War. Abolitionism was a movement whose main objective was to end slave trade, not only in the United States where it was common, but also other parts of the world. Various historians concur that the abolitionism movement was of great significance in the development of the United States. It did not only lay the foundation of social and cultural changes in the country, but became one of the cornerstones of the growth of the American democracy. Toward the end, the paper will be focusing on assessing why the abolitionist movement was of great significance on the development of the United States, prior to the outbreak of the Civil War.
To begin with, abolitionist movement marked the beginning of political changes in the United States. The pioneers of this movement played a pivotal role in creating the terms of slavery, hence making it a forceful moral issue. For a long time, non-whites, more especially the blacks, were subjected to human abuse from the whites. It was often argued that the slave owners had absolute control on their slaves, whom were considered to be like any property. As such, slaves had no rights, even over their own life. As a result of this abuse, various individuals, such as Douglass Frederick and Truth Sojouner, pushed for political changes that could ensure the recognition of slaves as having certain rights as human beings. Perhaps, a greater impact of this movement was felt in the South, where it first emerged, than in the North. As a result of this movement, various political changes were experienced in the United States, including the incorporation of antislavery laws in the Constitution. Ideally, this contributed to the declaration of liberty as an essential human quality and inherent to natural law.
Another political change that occurred
Bibliography: Brown, Christopher Leslie. Moral Capital: Foundations of British Abolitionism. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006. Davis, Brion D. Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Newman, Richard S. The Transformation of American Abolitionism: Fighting Slavery in the Early Republic. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002.