English 102
Professor Garn
Demons in Disguise
Everyone says the best things that have ever happened to them are their kids. They gloat and flaunt these miniature people as if they were the second coming of Jesus himself. Between diapers and toys parents spend thousands of dollars on something that doesn’t even know how to speak! I don’t know about you, but a devious creature that runs around my house raising havoc does not sound like the best thing that’s ever going to happen to me. In fact that sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. Kids are the most terrifying that could ever happen to me. I never quite understood what was so great about having children. I guess you could say that kids are cute or say things that they do are seemingly hilarious. However they do not know much about anything and then all the sudden they are incredibly clever and that is what makes them so terrifying! With one look, a little kid could get whatever they wanted just because we all think they are so darn cute. We are all brainwashed by these cute little monsters, like some kind of creepy mind control trick. However not only do they play these tricks on family, they will go to people they don’t know, if it means getting what they want! What kind of sane person goes to a complete stranger, just for a handful of sugar or some ice cream? Sane people would realize that’s probably a good way to get you hurt or kidnapped. Just because someone offers me a soda doesn’t mean I’m going to hop in their creepy, white, windowless van, that’s just insanity! What kind of lunatic would want to have to deal with that kind of worry and anxiety everyday?? Even the toys we buy them are horrifying. Between the dolls with empty soul sucking eyes to guns that seem to realistic it’s a bit unsettling. Kids are always running around with fake guns that shoot out foam bullets trying to kill you, what is that?? Are we trying to raise serial killers that think it is