The study ‘Training Plans, manager’s characteristics and innovation in accommodation industry’ by Ester Maertínez-Ros and Francina Orfila-Sintes probes into how managerial characteristics and training plans have an effect on innovation in the Hospitality industry.
This paper delves deeper into innovation in the Hospitality industry and how managerial traits and training sessions for employees affect innovation. Innovation is an important part of all industrial sectors ,may it be hospitality or tourism or any other industry. Innovation is necessary to keep up with the world and other sectors and consumers that are on a constant path of progress and development may it be a technological innovation or a policy innovation.
The information for this study has been collected via personal interviews where the hotel managers of 1586 establishments from the Balearic islands were given a specifically designed questionnaire. A primary research with this questionnaire was carried on in 2001 ,later using the results of the 2001 questionnaire three other versions of the same questionnaire were introduced by adding some more questions into the questionnaire and were given out in the summers of 2004 ,2007 and 2010.
The result of the research showed that managerial characteristics and internal training sessions have constructive impact on innovation in hospitality sector,and also addresses the question of ownership of a hospitality establishment which also has an optimistic impact on innovation and innovative decision making process as it is owned by a family or a person decisions pertaining to the establishment can be made swiftly. However research also shows that experience factor in managerial characteristics has a pessimistic impact on innovation.
This research study carried on in the Balearic islands on managers of 1586