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Throughout the 1920’s, black people and women in America have been forced to live through poor social conditions. Until recent years, these people have been excluded from society and were considered and outsider in a normal community. John Steinbeck shows the reader this in his novella, “Of Mice and Men.” Steinbeck uses the characters of Crooks and Curley’s wife to display that although one character is a black male and the other, a white woman, they still have similar traits. These factors like discrimination, loneliness and shattered dreams make Crooks and Curley’s wife parallel (equal).
Crooks and Curley’s wife suffer from discrimination around the ranch. Steinbeck expresses discrimination, or prejudice, very simply by refusing to give Curley's wife a name. She is displayed as only a item of Curley’s. Curley’s wife is disliked by ranch hands as they