It was our normal routine during the week, driving through the drive thru to get the kids a bite to eat. One day it could be Jack n the Box, another day it could be Mc Donald’s or Carl’s Jr, which ever fast food was voted on amongst my daughters is where we went. This past summer what seemed to be just another trip through the drive thru became a nightmare after eating hamburgers at our usual Carl’s Jr. Not so long after we ate, my older daughter began with severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. I was immediately concerned and rushed her to the hospital to find out that she had food poisoning. There wasn’t much the doctor could do other than tell her to drink a lot of fluids. I left the hospital knowing where the food poisoning came from and the mere fact that nothing could be done really bothered me. I called the Carl’s Jr restaurant to file a complaint and was told that there were no other reports and that this may have been an isolated incident. There should be a system set up where consumers concerns are actually taken seriously. The documentary “Food, INC.” produced by Robert Kenner, is successful and persuasive in showing us the supermarket marketing tactics, who controls our food and provides sufficient evidence about how our food is produced as well as how animals are treated; overall it gives American’s a view of the safety aspects of how our food is handled.
The filmmakers question whether American’s understand and know where our food is coming from, especially here in the United States where food industries have changed in the last 50 years. Food INC, lifts the curtain on our nation’s food industry exposing how our nation’s food supply is now controlled by four major corporations that are seemingly interested in profit over the health of the consumers. Food INC, reveals the livelihood of the American farmer; the safety of the workers as well as what we eat and how it’s produced.
Cited: Duggan, Tara and Stacy Finz “Prop. 37 brings food labeling issue to the fore.” San Francisco Chronicle 25 Sept. 2012 Food Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Perf. Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, Carole Morison, Barbara Kowalcyk. River Road Entertainment, Participant Media, Magnolia Pictures, Film, 2008. Moss, Michael. “Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned.” New York Times 30 Dec. 2009