Bellow, Saul. "Hidden within Technology 's Empire, a Republic of Letters." Readings for
writers. Eds. Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell and Anthony C. Wrinkler. 14th edition.
Boston: Cengage, 2013. 12-17. Print. "Atomized Culture"
Studies show that Americans are reading less and less these days due to our
advanced technologies. I think Terry Teachout knew what our future was becoming in the
21st century. Reading is extremely important for our education and future. I also believe
that if you don 't read you lose your imagination.
Today 's society everyone is always either watching the television, on
the computer, or on their latest addition cell phone. Technology is definitely making …show more content…
Unlike back in the day it was easier and known to get a job trimming
bushes or painting a fences, or working in a factory.
Teachout supports his argument how the volume of book sales and the great
increase of movie attendance. "For Americans ' under the age of 30, film has replaced
the novel as the dominant mode of artistic expression." Americans are lazier than ever
and rather go see the movie rather than picking up a book and reading it and use their
imagination. I feel that sometimes movies ruin my imagination about the book. Well,
of course, with reading you can visualize the scenes, the plot, the characters, you can
twist it to fit both the description in the book and what you want it to be. You can also
make up the voices for characters which can be fun. However, with watching
a movie all you can imagine and see is what is going on the screen.
Reading is becoming less and less popular because of all our new advanced
technologies. Even though its made it easier for people to read with having kindles
and gadgets like that. You can store tons of books onto one tablet. I just think of
society is forgetting the fact of a good paper novel. Reading is extremely