The connections the Count has created also give him powers that no one else in the world possesses. When Albert was captured by Luigi Vampa, there were zero to no hopes to saving him, until the almighty Count came to the rescue. The Count had previously made Vampa a close acquaintance, causing Vampa to promise the Count to never hold one of his friends hostage. Once Vampa realizes the enormity of his mistake, he quickly gets back on good terms with the Count, “Why wasn’t I told about this? asked the chief, turning toward his men, who drew back before his look. Why did you make me break my word to the Count? If I thought one of you knew about this, I’d blow his brains out!”(Dumas 156). As powerful a man as Luigi Vampa is, he is still indebted to the worshipped Count. He was willing to kill one of his bandits just because they made him break his promise to his dear friend. The Count has not only built his name through wealth, but also through friendships. Power can be gained in many ways, but the Count’s rise was extremely sudden and effective. He gained acquaintances in weeks, and his wealth came even quicker, his reputation wasn’t built in a day, but it was built
The connections the Count has created also give him powers that no one else in the world possesses. When Albert was captured by Luigi Vampa, there were zero to no hopes to saving him, until the almighty Count came to the rescue. The Count had previously made Vampa a close acquaintance, causing Vampa to promise the Count to never hold one of his friends hostage. Once Vampa realizes the enormity of his mistake, he quickly gets back on good terms with the Count, “Why wasn’t I told about this? asked the chief, turning toward his men, who drew back before his look. Why did you make me break my word to the Count? If I thought one of you knew about this, I’d blow his brains out!”(Dumas 156). As powerful a man as Luigi Vampa is, he is still indebted to the worshipped Count. He was willing to kill one of his bandits just because they made him break his promise to his dear friend. The Count has not only built his name through wealth, but also through friendships. Power can be gained in many ways, but the Count’s rise was extremely sudden and effective. He gained acquaintances in weeks, and his wealth came even quicker, his reputation wasn’t built in a day, but it was built