International Business Cross Cultural Communication Teacher responsible for the course Yijie Wang Tsang Siu Ki Jaakko Soini Christian Fritz Philipp Gatzemeier
Date Grade Teacher’s signature
1 EDWARD T. HALL .................. FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT. 2 GESTELAND.............................................................................................................. 3 3 TROMPENAAR.......................................................................................................... 4 4 OUR CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 5
SOURCES ........................................................................................................................ 6
Appendix 1 Title of appendix
Title of report
Edward T. Hall was an anthropologist who made early discoveries of key cultural factors. In particular he is known for his high and low context cultural factors. Hall (1976) came to the field of cross-cultural analysis from the discipline of anthropology. He argued that all peoples interpret and create messages in reference to shared information. This information includes values in the culture, which link members of the culture group and influence how they refer to their contexts when maintaining relationships. Hall's goal was that people understand the effect of origin better on the language and use it for communication. A key factor in his theory is context. This relates to the framework, background, and surrounding circumstances in which communication or an event takes place. ( High Context: According to Hall people from a high context culture have intense interpersonal relationships. They are more relational, collectivist, intuitive and contemplative than people from low-context cultures. For doing business it is really