A High Quality Classroom Assessment is… • Based on clear and appropriate learning objectives ✓ This includes both what students will learn and the criteria for evaluating performance. ✓ Things to consider are level of difficulty, consistency with goals of school and district, and comprehensiveness of goals and objectives • Appropriate in use of assessment method ✓ Selected response versus constructed response
✓ Performance assessment - Product versus performance
✓ Observations
✓ Essays
✓ Oral questioning
✓ Self-assessment
A High Quality Classroom Assessment is… • Valid
✓ This refers to the appropriateness of the inferences, uses, and consequences that result from the assessment.
✓ Validity is always a matter of degree! An assessment that is valid for one purpose may not be valid for another. ✓ Validity is always determined by professional judgment made by the user of information ❖ Content related validity is based on the extent to which the assessment is representative of the learning domain of interest. Consider using a table of specifications to help you evaluate the content validity of your assessment. Questions to answer to help you establish content validity include: ✓ What learning goals/objectives will be assessed? ✓ What content is most important? ✓ What topics will be assessed? ✓ What content and learning objectives have been emphasized in instruction? ✓ Does the assessment adequately sample students' performance in each topic area and target? ❖ Criterion related validity is based on the extent to which the results of assessment are related to some other related assessment. Test developers typically use this approach by calculating a correlation coefficient