When a high school athlete plays more than one sport it reduces injury rates. An athlete in high might play football, basketball, and run track. All football, basketball and track are played in
different season which are fall, winter and spring. Since all 3 of those sports are played in different seasons it is not likely for them to get an injury because they are playing one sport at a time. If an athlete plays more than one sport and one time than getting an injury is likely to happen. For example, if someone plays soccer and play football which is both played in the fall the chances of them getting injured is high. This is because they’re participating in too many sports at once. “A Loyola University study found that athletes who specialized were 70 to 93 percent more likely to be injured than children who play multiple sports.” This quote explains exactly why High School athletes should consider playing more than one sport. The injury rates for children that play one sport is much higher than one that play multiple sports. This is why any high school athlete boy or girl should play multiple sports. They will get less injuries and can possible be good in more than one sport. Playing multiple sports creates more well-rounded athletes. High school athletes need to strive to be a well-rounded athlete by playing more than one sport and not limiting themselves to just one. A well-rounded athlete is a person who is playing multiple sports and is capable of playing them at a certain level. Being capable of playing multiple positions is a huge advantage, whether it is in high school, college or possibly professional sports. Professional athletes are called that for a reason it is because most of them grew up playing one sport. Most of the time people wouldn’t hear that a professional played one sport. For example, Ezekiel Elliott that attended Ohio State played more than one sport. He played football, basketball, baseball, and also ran track in high school. Now he is in the NFL playing for the Dallas Cowboys. Most likely because he played multiple sports at a young age got him where he is today.