Austin experiences a high level of instructional support at home and school. In all subjects other than reading, Austin is performing proficiently or advance. Austin’s home environment provides high and attainable goals for performance and behavior at school. Austin’s parents support him in his studies providing acceptable opportunities for Austin to practice his skills and complete his …show more content…
This brief teacher rating scale is broken down into 3 subscales: Academic Success, Impulse Control, and Academic Productivity. As compared to same age and gender peers, Austin is performing above that of a typical 5th grade male based on the data from DuPaul, Rapport and Periello (1991). He scored typical to other 5th grade males in the areas of Academic Productivity and Impulse Control. Austin consistently completes his academic work with an accuracy of 90-100%. He very often follows directions in both small and large group instruction. He pays attention and responds appropriately in social situations. He learns new material quickly. The neatness and quality of his work is average for his age. He rarely requires assistance in completing work or recalling previously learned