The main reason why I love science is because it keeps my mind open to new things and vulnerable to new questions. The world today is fast-paced area where many new scientific discoveries are found. Every time something new is found and is put on the front page of newspapers, I feel a sense of jealousy. I want to be able to discover something. I want to be the one feeling proud of my accomplishments. And I have a feeling that this school will help me to achieve this.
As science became my main career goal growing up, I was in need of a school that could lift me up through the realms of science and leave speechless, no longer having a question to ask. I had doubts that a school like this existed. But then I was introduced to the ________ High School. Hearing of your excellent courses in Living Environment, Chemistry, and Physics made me want to go to this school right away. I’m positive your courses will help me succeed to a better future.
In the end, science will always be my life. I will always be asking questions, and nothing can stop me from fulfilling my dreams. But something can help me on my path towards it, and that is your school, the __________ High School. Without your school, I doubt I will ever be taught what I need to know in order to succeed in what I want to