However, passing the high school exit exam doesn’t necessarily mean that students are prepared for college because it only tests skills that should be mastered by completion of the 10th grade. Finding out a way to test students’ knowledge of what they have learned from phasing in other subjects is a great idea because each student has a favorite subject that they like and these courses can surely help the student to demonstrate competency. End-of-course tests will help benefit each student after being in the course half a semester rather than taking specific grade level tests. In other words, taken the test while what they learned is fresh on their minds at the end of the course instead of having to take it at a specific grade level will increased competency. Therefore, putting focus on what the entire content standard of low and high achieving students should be able to do by the end of the course should be considered by the states and districts (Greene& Winters 2004). This way the content may vary some according to each state and their opportunity for
However, passing the high school exit exam doesn’t necessarily mean that students are prepared for college because it only tests skills that should be mastered by completion of the 10th grade. Finding out a way to test students’ knowledge of what they have learned from phasing in other subjects is a great idea because each student has a favorite subject that they like and these courses can surely help the student to demonstrate competency. End-of-course tests will help benefit each student after being in the course half a semester rather than taking specific grade level tests. In other words, taken the test while what they learned is fresh on their minds at the end of the course instead of having to take it at a specific grade level will increased competency. Therefore, putting focus on what the entire content standard of low and high achieving students should be able to do by the end of the course should be considered by the states and districts (Greene& Winters 2004). This way the content may vary some according to each state and their opportunity for