Sports are beneficial for instance, athletes who play sports tend to have better grades. Athletes who play any type of sport have less time to do homework, accordingly they are better at time management. They maintain an average GPA of a 2.0 or they can't play sports, unless they boost their grades back up. One researcher says, "High quality organized sports helps students earn better grades"("Youth Sports"). This quote states athletes involved in extra academics are able to earn better grades. Sports push athletes to do their best in school all over the nation. If somebody were to play football for Ridgeline High School, that student athlete…
“Do college Sports Affect Students Grades? A Defense of the NCAA” by Megan Greenwell argues about whether college sports affect grades of the student-athletes or regular students and whether colleges would be better off without collegiate sport.…
I read online that, “Kids who do sports do better in school” (Amir Khan).From personal experience, when I entered high school and played sports the coaches told me in order to play for the team I had to keep my grades up. My son would keep his grades up not just because he has to but also to play a sport he loves. Keeping his grades up and being good in football may…
Sports keep teens well behaved at school and in class. Sports reduce the number of fights, and bad classroom behavior. In order to play any sport in high school, the students must make good grades. If they fail to make the grades, then they are either dismissed from the team, or they must take a study hall before each practice for at least 30 minutes, sometimes even for the whole day until his or her grade comes up to a passing grade. In most high schools, there are problems with attendance from the students. If a player does not come to school, then they may not go to practice or attend the game that…
could lead to memory lost. So, by just playing a sport, you could get injured easily. My point is, sports are as important as school. In anyway, sports always lead to a good path.…
“Research shows that people who play high school sports get better jobs, with better pay. Benefits that last a lifetime.” Some high schoolers that play sports may even go further with their education. Just by playing sports. Scholarships can even be given to students who are exceptionally good at the sport they play. Which would help…
John Wooden (NCAAB Hall of Fame coach) said, “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” High school sports are usually beneficial to all parties involved, such as the athletes, parents and the schools that have the athletic programs. The athletes that play high school sports learn countless lessons on life, how to be healthy with exercise, and the extra incentive to keep up the grade to play these sports. Parents of high school athlete’s get an opportunity to watch their child succeed at something he or she loves. Parents can also benefit financially, when their child is good enough at a sport to get offered a scholarship which may pay for all of college. For a high school that has athletic programs the biggest pro is the amount of money to be made from things such as admissions, concessions stand sells, t-shirts…
High school sports are a thing people tend to associate with a lot of other things. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. Their association with these things make people wonder if we should have them in our schools, and the answer is, rather obviously, no. While sports have some benefits, they are more harm than good because of the injuries they cause, the scholarships they don’t provide and the funding it takes from other extracurricular activities.…
Lastly, sports can be good if you are playing to support your school. Winning is important and every school wants to be known as the school that wins. You could be playing to help your team to win for the first time. Also if your really good and you play school sports people could recognize you and offer a scholarship.…
One reason high school sports aren’t beneficial is because they create a lot of pressure. According to the video “Do Athletes Face Unnecessary Parent Pressure?” by KCRA, sports are sometimes the only way students can get into a good college and be able afford it. This puts a lot of pressure on the athletes to perform at their best 100% of the time. Experts say that your child's entire team will suffer if the parents are pressuring their kids (, “Do Athletes Face Unnecessary Parent Pressure?” ). This fact is important because it proves, when parents put pressure on their children it does not benefit them, in fact it is actually setting them up for life in an unhealthy way. This shows that the pressure from sports is not good and not worth it.…
Being on an after school sports team can cause students to fail classes. Many schools believe that sports should stay because they keep you healthy, they relieve stress and allow you to focus, and they teach good sportsmanship; however it has been proven numerous times that after school sports are distracting and can lead to academic failure. Therefore, after school sports should be eliminated because they cost too much money, they can cause academic failure, and they are distracting.…
yes high school sports should stay because kids can gain experience . but people thinks kids are getting hurt due to high school sports in source 1 what in the name of high school football it says'' that the athletic programs has almost become a religion''. some people see sports as a religion for them some see them as entertainment. don't get me wrong out high school has one of the strongest academic and arts programs. is true that some high school have academic programs as well . in source number two it says that '' young people take part in high school sports every year equitable opportunities positive recognition and learning and educational goals '' in source three it tells me '' going to j.v soccer practice for two hours a day and for…
When in high school, one of the most memorable things to do is go to the games, attend homecoming, or the pep rallies every semester. One thing they all have in common is that they are tied to sports. High school sports are an important part of children's lives whether they are the ones attending the game or the one playing in it. A few years ago, Solano County tried to cut sports programs because there was no room in the budget for it. The community reacted by spending their whole summer raising money in any way they could by selling things to standing outside of the mall collecting donations with the fire department. High school sports programs are important and should not be on the list of school cuts.…
For example, more than 20 nations have a better high school graduation rates than the U.S. A former high school football player, his school canceled sports and he said that “there's so much time, you never get behind on your work.” This shows that sports are distracting athletes from their education. Another example is that studies show students perform better when schools start later in the morning, yet schools still starts early so athletes have more daylight so they can practice. This shows that sports do not only distract from learning it effects when the learning begins. This proves why schools should cut back on sports because it distracts them from learning.…
High School sports have always been questioned because of all the health risks that they bring to those who participate in them. As of now High School sports are still a major part of High School and large amount of students do them. However, many claim the pros outweigh the cons, meaning that people shouldn’t be so concerned about what “could” happen. Not only do sports keep the students healthy and active, they bring a social aspect that can’t be found anywhere else, and the odds of being injured aren’t high and can happen to anyone.…