Along with individual maturity, coaches are a main factor in student-athlete success providing a strong role model, desire for prosperity, teaching humility, poise, and trust. Without athletics, many would be rummaging the streets, nevertheless making bad decisions. Students living in inauspicious neighborhoods participate in athletics to stay away from poor situations, therefore building a sustainable life. By cutting back on athletics students who participate in a sport will no longer have a routine that works for them. If I participate in a sport every night until 5 o'clock and get home at 6, it would be difficult to adapt to getting home at earlier times. Students that do after school activities get home to go straight to their academics making a tight schedule for slacking off. When at home much earlier there's extra time to get …show more content…
Sports can be over the top when in a certain level of importance for example championship games, title spots, or player awards. These can be used for all activities though, art programs, theatre, music, all with different levels of participation that can be rewarded. Before sports programs are cut back it should be taken to mind that other activities have the ability to destruct students from