While one student may use this period as an advantage, another may waste time and procrastinate, causing a drop in grades. Students who take this period and use it towards their advantage wrongly do not gain the time management skills and other life lessons that they will need to move ahead in adult life. Although most students would correctly use this period there are always a few to misuse privileges. Lowering the stress of students will increase higher productivity, raise grade averages, and open opportunities to teach valuable life lessons. Study hall should not be a mandatory for all students because it does not benefit all students equally, but should be offered for those who need it and will use it properly. Not only will it benefit the students directly, it will also benefit the school and the entire community by opening opportunities to students. Giving students one hour of study hall, once a day or a few times a week, is a necessity and contributes highly to their
While one student may use this period as an advantage, another may waste time and procrastinate, causing a drop in grades. Students who take this period and use it towards their advantage wrongly do not gain the time management skills and other life lessons that they will need to move ahead in adult life. Although most students would correctly use this period there are always a few to misuse privileges. Lowering the stress of students will increase higher productivity, raise grade averages, and open opportunities to teach valuable life lessons. Study hall should not be a mandatory for all students because it does not benefit all students equally, but should be offered for those who need it and will use it properly. Not only will it benefit the students directly, it will also benefit the school and the entire community by opening opportunities to students. Giving students one hour of study hall, once a day or a few times a week, is a necessity and contributes highly to their