Preparing for college is very important, as you don't want to just walk into the experience blindly. You want to make the most out of your college days, and in order t...…
Years ago, the college experience applied only to recent high school graduates and meant spending hour after hour in a crowded lecture. Today, this is only one of the possible snapshots of a college student. The ideas in this article are perfect for students from all backgrounds and in all majors. Read on for insight and inspiration.…
Each falls many young people are faced with the challenges that college life presents. Many of the responsibilities that were previously d...…
The idea of going to college frightens most high school students, but it should not, and here is why. In the article “Your First Year of College: 25 strategies and Tips to Help You Survive and Thrive Your Freshman Year and Beyond” by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D helpfully walked through 25 grand tips and tricks to help college students push through their years on a campus. Not only an empowering entrepreneur, Randall S. Hansen also focuses on health, wellness and college success. Randall S. Hansen stated that one of his students once said “his technique in the first week of classes was to meet at least one new person in each of his classes,” as a result of doing this he expanded his network of friends and it was always nice to have study partners.…
College life is a time in a person's life that is usually remembered fondly. There is no question that college is a great challenge, and demands new skills from a young adult, but it is also a lot of fun. These tips shou...…
College isn’t what it should be. Students nowadays are focused on having fun. They think college is a place of freedom where they can just do as they please and not care about their schooling, “Life is at parties, at clubs, in music, with friends, in sports” (Edmundson). Students have gained independence and feel like they must do crazy things. Or…
The transition from high school to college presents us all with many new challenges. The workload may feel overwhelming and the surroundings will be unfamiliar. We will have to take on the responsibility of managing life on our own. But the biggest challenge will be learning to embrace the unfamiliar, all the while searching for that small space we can comfortably inhabit. I don’t think our challenge is learning to live as a little fish in a big pond, but rather finding our small pond within the…
For first year students, college is new for them and going through college they are exploring themselves. In…
It is not a surprise that college students in general have an issue of waiting until the last minute. College freshman especially have trouble because of the new adjustment. Today, freshman college students have problems setting and following priorities such as: academics, networking, and responsibility. There are a number of reason why this is such an issue for them. Without assistance, freshman obstacles can lead to serious issues that will deeply impact one’s life.…
Students tend to “pursue many activities during their time on campus, but what distinguishes a college is that it embodies ideals distinct from the rest of students’ lives”(Neem). For many, college gives them a second chance at making it in society. It allows them to escape their home life and be the person they’ve always wanted to be. Not only does it provide an escape but it also provides a way to network with others and form a social life that they would have never had, had they not decided to go to…
During this time a student will grow as a person. There is a diversity of people from all cultures and ages attending school today. There are clubs, fraternities and sororities. Each one of these can offer a support system that will aid the student’s trials and challenges of college life. During this time student can expect to mature as they make their way in the world with a newly found freedom that attending college may afford. They will become responsible as they learn to juggle work, schools, social lives and class load. During this transitional period student can expect some hardships as they learn how to balance budgets, do laundry, shop for groceries, become time managers and handle their finances. There is tremendous pressure that comes with attending college. Students will have many opportunities to socialize and meet new people through sporting events, pep relays parties and during class. During this time at school students can expect to act mature, work hard and most of all have some fun. Making the right choices while attending school is part of the process. Beware, it can be intimidating, lonely and challenging to attend school. The payoff for attending school is a lifetime of experiences to be cherished. Friends can either be made and lost during the time at school. The education, critical thinking skills, social skills cultivated and the Degree earned can never be taken away from the student. It is just a stepping stone to what lies ahead in the future. Any student that is on the fence about attending college needs to take a little advice from someone who is a little older and a lot wiser, don’t wait, go to school, time passes and there should never be any regrets, GO TO…
It is no secret the economy of the U.S. is slowly decomposing. Luxuries are no longer secondhand to the consumers of America. Tuition is sky-rocketing, the prices of books are outrageous, and the housing to live near a college of choice or worth is preposterous. These problems are facing incoming freshman, causing great stress and overwhelmingly horrid sentiment.…
Cost is an important factor in the determination of attending a community college before transferring to a four-year university because it can save a large amount off a person’s loan. Students that transfer to four-year universities are also eligible for transfer scholarships and grants from the school they are attending, and can receive additional grant money if they have a good academic standing. Another way high school personal finance classes can help their students is by teaching them to minimize costs. This can be done in a variety of ways such as shopping for deals, changing activities to reduce costs, and renting textbooks instead of buying…
Schooling is a very important aspect in our lives and one must go through many steps to higher education; the most important steps in society today, are high school and college. Although high school and college aim for the same goal, which is acquiring an education and graduating, the demands, expectations, and social atmosphere extremely contrast. However, after going to high school for four years, college is definitely a step up. There are similarities, but at the same time more differences. To begin with the demands, there is still some required classes and homework, but they are different at the same time. Many demands are placed upon high school students. For example, high school students are obligated, or rather forced by law to attend school until the age of eighteen and they are required to do and turn in their homework. On the other hand college students possess the right to decide if they want to show up for class or not. They can fail a class and not make it up and they do not have to turn in their homework if they do not feel like it. There is no law stating that a college student must attend class, be a full time student, turn in homework and pass each class. To a college student, the demand of attaining a higher education or graduating is completely up them.…
Whai is it like to transition from High school to College ? This is the question that many students ask each year. Having experienced the transition both, i can say that there are many similarities as well as alot big differences between the two types of schools.…